12 Book Views
Vivada chintamani: a succinct commentary on the Hindoo law prevalent in Mithila. From the original Sanscrit of Vachaspati Misra. By Prossonno Coomar Tagore #
Title: Vivada chintamani: a succinct commentary on the Hindoo law prevalent in Mithila. From the original Sanscrit of Vachaspati Misra. By Prossonno Coomar Tagore #
Author: Vcaspatimira, Maithila, jurist; Tagore, Prossono Coomar
Year: 1865
Subject: LAW
12 Book Views
Vivada chintamani: a succinct commentary on the Hindoo law prevalent in Mithila. From the original Sanscrit of Vachaspati Misra. By Prossonno Coomar Tagore #